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At Phurua, in Northeastern Thailand, stable plant production is guaranteed. Six hundred metres above mean sea level, Phurua is a fertile plateau surrounded by mountains, with a climate that is perfect for many kinds of agriculture.

Phurua District is the hub of temperate horticulture in the Northeast. Its cool, dry climate and non-polluted environment are ideal for growing ornamental flowers and cut-flowers such as roses, tuberose, champee, frangipani, ylang-ylang, petunia, and phlox. Every year at the end of December, tourists flock to the Flower Festival, which features the best from Phurua’s commercial gardens and nurseries. Phurua is also home to the Highland Agricultural Research Station, which has been working with local farmers to promote new crops such as macadamia nuts, strawberry, passion fruit, potted plants and cut flowers.

Thus, the local population have enjoyed long-standing socio-economic and political stability and well-developed support services.

Phurua Natural Oils